Copy the style code at the top of the welcome.php file, you can find html codes on
Website Html Hints
Hello! Welcome to MISS THEME, you can use this to create themes settings for your website; the php page is what you use to add the settings to your website. You load this in for the contents of your user app program, to do this copy the index.php page to the website root. You need to rename the file to another php file, This is to read the file in a link or you can use it as it's self. Turn off what you don't want, you can go to to get a idea of what it's will look like. In the settings is a welcome.php file name, this is what is loaded in the frame in the content. The iframe will load the page from the custom menu settings in the index.php page, the links will have the name of the iframe.
You can add a website to the link, the link will view in the iframe named "name". With the php file! you don't have to add the php code to it, make sur you keep the top part. This will be the start of the page, it's you settings for the text. You can use and change the setting on your own, if you want to add it to the settings page just add the name of the setting. The settings are $name="";, this will be the variable of the setting. Or the settings file will read it, as long as the setting is the same of the variable in the index.php page.
With the program you can add a header and footer, just turn it on or off in the index.php file. As you can see in the welcome.php file that there are [p] style="text-indent: 10px;">text[/p] this is a start to your paragraph the text-indent is for the words to space in it.
Here is a tag when you click on the tag menu item; you will be sent here. Up top is the menu bar of tags, this will go in to the data file. To get back to the top click on the top link. In this text is that the background color is two colors, this is done with the background: linear-gradient(color, color); if you add the ''to right'' the you get the background view to the right.