Example Color Text Page

This is a example for your settings on the web page, this is the start of your page. First you need to make the background and text color to transparent, for text the text-shadow: 2px 0px 2px color; and the linear color, color. Example: style=''color: transparent; background: linear-gradient(black, blue); background-clip: text; text-shadow: 2px 0px 2px silver;'' insert in to the [p] command or other with the text. The text shadow is the text color, the background is the color of the text background color.

So! what happen to the cool websites with all the color and the easy to program with html, I would like to shair this program i created. it's easy to do, i gave you all the tools to create a awesome site. This program is easy to setup, just unzip and start creating. Click Here to download this website is a example of my website creating program.