This program is the easiest website creator. I want to tell you about it; all you do to create your website is to turn on what you like, the first file is the main page test.php with fetchers. First you turn on the file that holds this read me data. Next you turn on the test.css file to load the setting, then you start to turn on what you like on your site.
Then you view the website you just created, then open the test.css file to view the settings like the menu on the end of your css page; copy and past the test.php file. The last then is to add all the pages to load in with menu, you also have some menus in the folder bars. You need to edit the one you choose, you also have a menu in the css file that you can use. The menu is a sidebar for the contents page, if you want to use the style menus in the bars folder all you need to do is use a // next to the echo command.
include free.txt to view this read, this is a example to just type a read me file and just view. The text is body in the css file, you don't need to add the div id=blank2 then type your text. For background or other setting edit body id, this is just to edit the margin, background, text, and other main settings. This is with all the setting on, if you delete the text the setting will save. To turn off the setting add the (.) in front of the setting, change the setting as you want to view on the page. This is the setting for the how site also, as you can see with the first start of the typing it's indented; but your text is not. you need to use the <[p]><[/p]> to indent the paragraph, with out you get this text file. Adding the [] will turn it off, when you add the p and /p to the <> you get the text paragraph like this example.
I'm in the paragraph.
you can't see the p or /p it's hiding. The p and /p become a indent and a line brake. If your looking at the shadow of the box the shadow moves, so! if you for an example if you add 0px only you get all the same. If you add 5px 15px 5px 15px color you get this pages box, in order is top, left, bottom, right. For the text shadow you have 0px 0px 0px color, in order is right & left, top & bottom, brightness glow. if want the shadow to go left you add -0px for the first one, if you want top to bottom the next one is -0px. The last one is the brightness of the glow, the border around the text is a little bit harder. You have border-color: color, border-style: thin, medium, thick and border-width: solid, dashed, dotted, ext. Now you also have just the border you want to add like border-top: 3px solid color; will just do the top one. The codes are border-top, bottom, right, left, with the width and color. So! you can change to all a different colors and style but, you have to turn off the border width, style and color in the css file and add it to the others. Because the others are around the whole box and this code is for the box border around the page, you have the width is 5px, style is solid, and the color is #colorcode. If you add it to style='code;' in the <[p]><[/p]> you will get a border around you text as showed up top, if you add background: #colorcode it highlights in the color you added. This is the same for font-color: #colorcode; and font-size: 0px; for the font add <[font style='font-size: 0px or higher;'><[/font]>this will only work by loading it in the php file not loading it as a txt file format.
Rogers Software WebsiteThis is a little trick, the tricks i will tell you is to help you design the website you are creating. The program is simple to use, when you turn on the settings; the peaces will fall in to place. In the CSS file the settings are blank to the default settings, you can change them to what you like. I you don't know what the code is you can just use the default settings but, to uses the default is for every font or other settings.
Adding the message text to the page is the div code, If you add a page to the website. The div id=CSS setting, is used to do this is <[div id=font]>message<[/div]> for example. With the echo added will displayed on the screen, example echo''<[div id=font]>message<[/div]>''; with the [] deleted it will show the message with the font CSS setting. If you want to add a txt or dat file, example = <[?php {include('', txt, dat, php'');}?]>.
I would like to add this to the read me, some settings are out of your completion of the code of PHP! this code is to add the body settings and others. One is the background color or colors, like red, blue as the background color. The codes are not in the books, in the style command for example: background-color: linear-gradient(to right, red, blue); in the style, /style. This will change the background color, is you add the background-clip: text; to the end will change the text color but, you also need the text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px colorcode;.
On one or two of my sites is transparent color, to do this you need the colorcode for example: #colorcode20; the 20 at the end is the 20% of the color is transparent. For those that don't understand transparent is the color is show threw, you can see it on the main website go to But you can't use it for the background color, if you just want the sold color, you can just type the color like red, blue, green; some colors you can't type like redgreen! this is not a color.
If you want red and green as a color, you have to add the colorcode from the chart. For example: #000000 is the colorcode for black & #ffffff is white, you can find the color chart at Some colors are just red, black, green, blue and others are lightgreen, skyblue, ext. On the example at the top of this is font size 22 and the color is lime, color names:
Now it gets fun, the code for style is what you can add to the CSS file. This is fun for a header of your page, or you can add to the text you wrote. With the colors there is the color and the color code, their the main colors. You can see that the background of the list is a gradient color, you can use this to display the background color on the page and websites boxes.
The box above is in the background of the list, i used the to right, red at 20%, red, blue in the background gradient. If you leave out the to right the colors will be top to bottom of the box, the shadow is a box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px 0px #colorcode. When you add the text to a box you use the div and then type the style='code;' this will add the box to the text, if you go to you can see how it's used.
One other thing, the text sample color codes is in the background-clip: text with this the text-shadow is the text color and the background color is the linear colors. If you add the color: transparent; you can view the text like this, if you add transparent to text-shadow color! you have the text color as the linear background. If you change the text to background you get the linear color as the background color.
If you take the text-shadow color and change it to transparent, the text will be the linear color; to get the text color change the transparent to a colorcode and you get the text color. When you change the background-clip to background you change the text-shadow color, it will change the text to your colorcode. Background clip code, [div style=''color: transparent; background-clip: text, background;-webkit-background-clip: text, background; background: linear-gradient(to right, left, top, bottom, #colorcode, #colorcode, ext); text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #colorcode; text-align: left, right, center;'']Text Here[/div] replace the [] to <>.
You probable nodes the -webkit- before the background, this is for a program that Microsoft uses for explorer and edge. It's just added to view in the program, you need to add it to your settings. Other web browsers will run the program with or with out, the settings. You should test the program on other browsers, This will make you website view a lot better.